Doggie Decorating Do’s and Don’ts

Doggie Decorating Do’s and Don’ts: How to make your house, and not your pet, the center of attention. Dogs making a mess in the house can be comical to watch. My dog, Mia, loves to take out every one of her toys, and just like a child, leaves them out for us to pick up. Click on this link to view my dog Mia playing with her toys Despite the laughs that dogs can bring us, having your house a mess when you have it up for sale, is not the ideal scenario. Many times, people forget they are selling the house, not the people, pets, or possessions inside of it. So, although you love your dog and all of her possessions, the people buying your house may not. In fact, potential buyers may not be dog or cat lovers, but instead could even be allergic to your furry friends. So, in order not to turn off any potential buyers, here are some doggie (and cat and any other mammal or reptile) decorating do’s and don’ts to ensure your house shows to ...